Housing & Services
Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH)
Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) is decent, affordable, community-based housing that provides tenants with the rights of tenancy and links to voluntary and flexible supports and services.
Key Features:
An apartment where the tenant determines their own lifestyle.
People choose if they want to live in PSH by deciding to apply for tenancy just like any apartment.
Individuals have, at a minimum, the same responsibilities and protections from eviction that tenants have under the landlord/tenant law of the State, county, city, or other designated entity.
Each apartment has a door with a lock; tenant has their own key.
Each apartment has a kitchen with a fridge and a stove, bathroom with shower, living room and bedroom.
Individuals have the freedom to furnish on their own.
Tenant's choice of services.
Tenants control their own schedules and activities.
Tenants come and go as they please, have visitors, cook their own food, etc.
Residential Services Coordination
Villa de Vida, Inc. recognizes that the great majority of persons with developmental challenges need to have supportive services in order to maintain independence. We recognize that the needs of individual residents will vary. The resident services coordinator and the activities coordinator will also help to connect residents with such services as personal finance, residential life, nutrition, healthy lifestyles, wellness, community enrichment, employment, job retention, social adjustment, and character development that are available through private vendors, the San Diego Regional Center and volunteer organizations. If residents are currently lacking those services in their plan, in some cases, Villa de Vida, Inc. staff will provide classes and activities to help fill gaps.
Villa de Vida, Inc. services will not be contracted with the Regional Center. Villa de Vida, Poway residents have the opportunity to participate in activities offered by Villa de Vida, Inc. Residents may also choose to use the services of other private vendors and vendors contracted with public funders, including the Regional Center.
Residential Life
Caring for a home and living in a community.
Community & Enrichment
Contributing to the community through volunteer efforts and sharing individual interests and hobbies.
Personal Finances
Developing budgeting and good spending habits.
Developing job skills, taking advantage of placement and coaching offered by Villa de Vida, Inc.
Nutrition & Healthy Lifestyles
Learning good nutritional habits, hygiene practices and exercise.
Personal Social Adjustment
Learning to interact and socialize with others.
Measuring Quality
We envision measuring the quality of the Villa de Vida, Poway experience by evaluating the quality of the relationships amongst the residents, the local community and beyond. Employment and job retention exist as an easily measured metric and a primary goal of Villa de Vida, Inc. The residents of a prototype community, after which Villa de Vida, Poway is modeled, enjoy 90% employment and 90% three-year job retention. We expect a similar success at Villa de Vida, Inc.